Well, I said I would attempt to make a skirt for my console table using this picture as inspiration from Domino: The Book of Decorating:

There’s something wonderfully therapeutic about sewing even though I don’t do it anywhere near often enough. That initial cut in a large unspoiled piece of fabric always feels a bit like blasphemy and I always do it with a measure of trepidation.

I’m not actually a particularly good seamstress if I’m honest and I’m still very much a beginner. A lot of what I’ve done in the past year since I received my sewing machine as a gift has been simply trial and error. I’m sure there are a million better ways to do things but I learn better when I just get stuck in and learn from my mistakes.

So here’s my console table before the addition of the skirt…

And here it is after.

What do you think?

I think the eyelets are a nice touch and it’s not something I would have considered using without that initial inspiration pic. A little kit from Hobbycraft and using (or not as the case may be) the tools included gave me the results I was looking for.

The linen fabric was pretty inexpensive (I paid Β£8/metre at my local Terry’s Fabric) and to be fair, I chose it more because I liked the colours (soft yellow, grey, black and a natural stone colour) than the pattern itself. I get impatient looking for fabrics that don’t cost a fortune and work with my colour palette. The UK offerings seem to me to pale in comparison with what’s available in the US (it may just be fabric envy/grass-is-greener syndrome) and everything on offer in my local shops seems to be stuck into a beige/red/gold rut circa 1999.

I struggle to find any geometric designs as well which I really like and I haven’t had very good luck with ordering fabrics online.Β  I’ll order a load of samples and not like any of them which makes me wary of ordering larger quantities without seeing them first.Β  I prefer to see fabrics in person, to touch them and see them in day light.Β Β  And I like to go somewhere, find the bolt and just buy it then and there.Β  I don’t want to have to go through a million books and order it or ask prices of the staff.Β  I know, I know, I’m impatient.Β  Probably not the foremost quality you want in a seamstress, eh?Β  It’s okay, I’m not for hire.Β  Thank god.

For a bit of variety, I decided to use the pattern fabric on one side and the plain fabric on the other.Β  So when I tire of the floral pattern, I can just reverse the skirt like so…

I thought the black and cream polka-dot ribbon added a little whimsy and I like the idea of changing the ribbon out whenever I want a change.

I still have some fabric left so I may make a new table runner as well so a project for the future!Β  Another project?Β  That tray is likely going to get a bit of spray paint treatment…

Any sewing projects you’re working on?Β  Do you also have US fabric envy?Β  Where do you get fabric that doesn’t cost Β£80/metre or do you find your local fabric shops are also stuck in 90’s fabric hell?

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