I doubt there’s a room out there that can’t do with a dose of black and white.Β  In this post, I talked about how nearly every other room that Domino – God rest it’s soul – featured, contained some dose of this magical monochrome wonder.Β  So I figured my living room – whilst having small doses of it, could do with a dollop of contrasty action.

I purchased these rather fabulous cushions on Achica’s website but they are from Kas, where they retail for Β£35*.Β  However, thanks to Achica’s generous discounts, I got them for a mere Β£11 each.Β  That’s a savings of Β£48 – Bargain!

I wasn’t entirely sure if they’d work with the wallpaper and the olive velvet of the couch but they’ve provided the eclectic ethnic-y punch I was looking for in the room.

I also like the fact that what you see is not a print but is entirely embroidered.Β  It’s not something I could duplicate on my own so I think it’s really good value considering.

I also purchased a white throw – just perfect for the weather lately in England’s great North West.Β  We haven’t had the warmest June so far (strangely, April was a lot more summer-like) so in the evenings, when the temperature dips a bit, it’s nice to have something to wrap around me whilst I cuddle up to W, who seems to always run about 10 degrees warmer than I do.

Excuse the fact that I need to get some pillar candles for my rather sad candlesticks.
And, yes I know, that corner is DYING for a piece of furniture.

Slung over the black chair, the contrasty monochrome ying and yang continues…

For some reason, in this room, this is always my favourite view…

Have you added any black and white to your abode lately?

*The cushions are currently on sale on their website so you can enjoy some bargain black & whites as well!

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