Firstly, I must apologise for my absence recently.  Aside from work being manic and being here, there and everywhere, we had a death in the family and as you know, sometimes something just has to give.

However, I did want to say that I’m back on the bloggin’ wagon, ready to catch up on all the blog loveliness I’ve missed and share with you some cool stuff as well.  I’ve missed you guys!

Speaking of blog loveliness, I had to share something I came across via Lobster and Swan. Have you read her blog? So much gorgeousness and she’s got the most gorgeous tabby kittens too. All the more reason to pay a visit.

Now, I try not to always replicate things on other blogs but I really wanted to share this because, well, this blog isn’t called Swoon Worthy for nuthin’.

May I introduce to you the photography of Kent-based photographer Kirsty Mitchell.

(Don’t forget, you can click on any image to view it larger.)

Her work, born from tragedy, weaves fantasy and reality and the lines that blur between them.

With a background in costume design, her pieces are a culmination of fashion and fairytale.

I have to say, I’m utterly inspired and awed by her beautiful work.  There’s an ethereal quality that lifts me up and sweeps me into another world. 

In her own words…

“It is driven by the need to produce tangible pieces of my dreams, and make it possible to step into the scenes for real. 
 “This physical creation is my favourite part, and has taken me to places I would have otherwise never known. I have walked on snow covered in flowers, stood in lakes at sunset, painted trees, set fire to chairs, made smoking umbrellas, and giant wigs from stolen flowers. I have laughed, been overwhelmed, and left in awe of all the things I had previously passed unnoticed until now…”

Are you inspired?

You can see more of Kirsty’s work here.

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