I thought I’d do a little DIY post for a Friday that’s so easy, you’ll wonder why you would ever buy a store-bought fragrance diffuser again.


Love filling your home with beautiful scents? Find out how to make a home fragrance diffuser with essential oils by following my simple DIY.

I’ve been experimenting a bit with essential oils since my foray into both making my own soap and making my own beauty products, and every time I create something new and it actually WORKS, well, I get a little excited so I wanted to share.  And honestly, this is the absolute easiest thing to do!

Follow my simple DIY and find out how to make a home fragrance diffuser

Read on and I’ll show you how simple it is…
What you'll need to make a home fragrance diffuser with essential oils

You’ll need the following:

  • 1 small glass bottle with a narrow opening (I used this one from H&M but anything similar will do)
  • 200 ml Sweet Almond Carrier Oil (I got mine from Amazon)
  • 40 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 60 drops Vanilla essential oil
  • Diffuser Reeds (I got mine from Amazon)

*or whatever essential oil fragrance combination takes your fancy – just use around 100 drops per 200 ml of your base oil

The bottle I used was rather larger than a normal diffuser bottle so I made a larger volume – but obviously you can halve this to suit the size of your own bottle. The reason you need to use a bottle with a narrow neck is so that your oil doesn’t evaporate quickly and you want to have enough reeds to fill the neck loosely – I used 12 reeds but it just depends upon the bottle size you use.

I used a Pyrex measuring jug to measure out the almond oil then added the essential oils and mixed well. The peppermint is quite a strong fragrance and the vanilla calms that down a bit so I used a 60/40 ratio. You can test your fragrances by putting a few drops at the same ratio on a cotton ball and change the ratios until you like the combination.

Pour your mix into your bottle, insert the reeds into the top and that’s it! The oil takes a few hours to travel through the reeds so after around an hour or so, you want to flip the reeds over to make it easier for the reed to fully absorb the fragrance. 

Fill your home with gorgeous scents by following my simple steps on how to make a home fragrance diffuser




















Some recommend using a tablespoon of Vodka to thin the oil making it easier for it to travel up the reed although I didn’t find this necessary but if you find it’s taking a while to smell the fragrance, you might want to give that a try!

I love that this fragrance is made with all natural ingredients and it doesn’t have any kind of weird chemical smell that you often get in commercially made diffusers. I also like that unlike a fragranced candle, I can just leave this to give off it’s lovely scent all day. It’s also a lot cheaper – once you buy your base ingredients, there’s no reason you can’t make a few of them to dot around your home.

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So is this a DIY you would try? Ever use essential oils? Any favourite fragrance combinations you like? Do share, I always like to find out what you guys are up to!


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