I love my interior design books. Nearly every Christmas and my birthday, there’s at least one or two on my list. I’m kind of obsessed with them – I can’t even tell you how many I have in my collection (20? 30? who knows). And while it’s exciting to pour through the pages and discover the beauty that lies within, I have to admit, I will often purchase books simply on the promise of it’s cover. Yep, I totally judge books by their covers and I’m not even ashamed to admit it.

Best Interior Design Books by Cover

There’s a reason I do this – it’s because I LOVE to display books as accessories in my home. A stack here, a stack there – there’s just something very chic about it. And every time I post pictures with books in it (which I have a lot of them so this is pretty damn often), I will be asked ‘what is that book with the leopard print cover?’ or ‘what is that bright pink book?’ – so it’s pretty clear to me that you’re doing the same thing. It’s fine, we’reΒ allΒ friends here so no judgement. I know how it is ;)

Bedroom chest of drawers vignette

So today, I’m going to talk about book COVERS. Some of them are fantastic inside as well – don’t get me wrong here because I really do take the time to pour over every book from cover to cover when I get them – but that’s not what we’re focusing on today. I want to share the ones that I love having out on display.


Now, you’ll notice one thing – I often remove the paper book jacketsΒ from the hardbacks because most of them have surprisingly beautiful hard covers hidden underneath. (I just put the paper jackets away in a drawer – I have a drawer FULL of them!)

I recently purchased two new ones to add to my collection so I’m going to share those first because erm EXCITEMENT.

The first is Erin Gates’ Elements of Style. Oh my god how I die over simple monochrome stripes with gold detailing. Yes please. This is a relatively smaller book but it looks fantastic sat right on the top of a stack. At the moment, I keep moving this around my house because I love it everywhere.

Erin Gates Elements of Style Cover

The second book I’ve added is Tom Scheerer Decorates (book jacket removed). This one is one of the biggest in my collection in terms of overall size – perfect for the bottom of a stack because the texture of that weave is just stunning so seeing that peeking out from beneath a couple of others is fabulous.

Tom Scheerer Decorates cover

One I’d asked for and received for Christmas this year is Alegra Hick’s An Eye for Design. Oh the eyes! I mean, that pale blue with black and white is just fabΒ and it’s just a great pattern. The letters are outlined on both the cover and spine in metallic silver (a little hard to see in the pictures) but it’s just a nice touch.

Allegra Hicks An Eye for Design Cover

Now this is my most asked about book by far because oh my god LEOPARD PRINT. It’s Jan Showers’ Glamorous Rooms (again sans jacket because why would you want to hide that?!). It’s a shame that the leopard print doesn’t wrap around to the spine but the good news is that this is another really large book so it’s best on the bottom of a stack so you can see that beautiful cover peeking out. Perfect as a makeshift ‘tray’ as well – shove a little vase with a bloom on it, an ornament, a few of your bangles and boom! Instant chic for your bedside table.

Jan Showers Glamorous Rooms Cover

Now this next one is more what I would call ‘lifestyle’ rather than just interiors and the jacket is actually very cute itself but I couldn’t help but remove it to reveal this gorgeous combination of bright pink and gold. It’s Kate Spade New York Things We Love. And not only that, the page edges are gold too! Such a pretty book and another big one – so great for a shot of colour.

Kate Spade Things We Love cover

And finally, as you know how much I love my navy blue at the moment – Style and Substance The Best of Elle Decor. That dark blue of the coverΒ is such a gorgeous jolt of colour and it’s really glossy too. So pretty.

Elle Decor Style and Substance cover

Now what I’m desperate to get my hands on is the gorgeous Adore book (white and gold FTW) but it ships from Australia and at the moment, spending nearly Β£50 for a pretty book is a bit too pricey for me – but someday, my friends, someday…

Adore Book Cover

So, this is just a TINY portion of the books I own but I thought I’d focus on my favourites otherwise, we’d be here all day. Ahem.

Coffee table books in stacks

So tell me, do you collect interior design books? Do you have any favourite interior design books that you love to display? Any that I should totally definitely buy next?Β Do tell, I’d love to know I’m not the only one!


Adore book image via cushandnooks. All others my own.


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