So things are a little different around here, eh? As I spoke about in this post, I decided my old design just wasn’t working practically for me anymore and I figured while I was updating the site, why not give my entire brand a fresh look! So here she is… my brand spankin’ new site!

flatlay with tablet and mobile on bed with cup of coffee and leopard print neutrals texture

So what’s new? Aside from all the pretty new packaging (black, white and gold FTW), all the posts and pages you’re used to are still here – they’ve just been freshened up a bit! I know a lot of my readersΒ don’t come to my blog via the home page. You might be a subscriber so come through via your email or you might have followed a pin from Pinterest, a link on social media or via a search on Google. However, for those that do enter via the homepage, you’ll notice that there’s now a great big beautiful carousel with the latest posts. This is a design feature I’ve wanted for such a long time and I’m so excited that I finally have it!

flatlay with tablet on bed with cup of coffee and leopard print neutrals texture

You’ll also see it’s really easy to find my house tour and my About Me page from both the home page and via the top navigation. Unsurprisingly, they are two of the most popular pages on Swoon Worthy so if you’ve never seen them before, have a little look!

bengal cat on bed with tablet coffee and tray

There’s also an easier way to sign up to my newsletter. You can fill in your details right on the page rather than being redirected off the page which is what used to happen (oops). Scroll down to the bottom of the post and try it if you haven’t already – you’ll get some of my top decorating tips as a bonus (which has also been updated)!

flatlay with tablet and mobile on bed with cup of coffee and leopard print neutrals texture

The site is also fully responsive. I hated my mobile site with the white hot heat of a thousand suns before so having a site that’s easy to view whether you are using a laptop, a tablet or a mobile was absolutely paramount for me and one of the reasons I was so unhappy with the previous design. So if you are viewing this on a mobile, for instance, it should look pretty much the same as the desktop site and you won’t be missing out! Hurrah!

One thing I did last week (just in case you hadn’t seen it) was change all my social media handles to @swoonworthyblog. I used to be @redlilocks everywhere but I knew it was confusing for people who were trying to find me and so I finally pulled my finger out with this whole redesign and got those changed – hurrah! If you click those little icons in my sidebar and in my top navigation, you can give me a follow if you aren’t already.

tablet showing Swoon Worthy website on textural bedding

There’s plenty here to see so please do click around and see what you think! There are also a few minor tweaks still being made but if you see anything that’s really blatantly, obviously wrong, hit me up in the comments or send me a message on the contact form and let me know!

bengal cat on bed with tablet coffee and tray

Thanks so much for your patience as the new look was being created and huge thanks to the wonderful Becky Lord for my pretty new branding and design! Hope you like it! Do let me know what you think in the comments below!

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