In the beginning, there was an American girl and a Mancunian boy. This American girl and this Mancunian boy fell in love. This American girl, living in Southern England and this Mancunian boy living ‘oop North’ decided their lives would be more enriched if they lived together. And so the American girl left behind the sunshine of the Kent coast and took up residence with this boy in Manchester that made her happier than any sunshine and happier than any sea had ever made her (they made her quite happy indeed but this was so so much better). Once they shared the same space in the boy’s little house under the rain-soaked Manchester sky, they decided it was a wonderful thing this living together and indeed it was. Even the boy’s two cats decided to adopt this new American girl that fed them and petted them and filled their bowls with food. And so this American girl and this Mancunian boy decided it was time to take the next step and start building a life together.

Well, this American girl and this Mancunian boy wished hard upon the stars and the sea and the birds and the wind and the rain and each other that they would find a house that suited them perfectly. And indeed they fell in love again. Because the stars and the sea and the birds and the wind and the rain and each of them heard each other’s wishes and a gorgeous Edwardian house fell into their grasp. And grasp it they did, with their four hands and their full hearts and they decided this house would be home for them and their two cats for a very long time.

This is the story of that American girl and that Mancunian boy and their love for each other and for a beautiful house that will become their beautiful home. A home that someday will be as swoon-worthy to others as it was the first day they cast their eyes upon it.

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