My Internet connection has been up and down like a cheap hooker’s dress lately (What? Analogy a bit strong?) and as such, I’ve not been able to do much blogging lately.  Goodness, you don’t realise how much you are addicted to this blogging lark until you can’t do it!  Apologies if I’ve been a little quiet lately but I figured I’d write a quick post today before it goes again so that y’all know I’m alive and well.  Fingers crossed our ISP gets whatever issues they have sorted soon.

Anyway, I realised I hadn’t done a  ‘flowers from the garden‘ post in a very long time – what with winter and all and realising our garden pretty much dies off completely in the coldest months (we are working on rectifying that a bit with some ever-green plants).  So I’m very excited by the first signs of colour…

With the sunshine we’ve had lately and the temperatures actually getting into the double digits, we have some little flowers sprouting up.

Now, bearing in mind, we haven’t really done ANYTHING to the garden except for replacing the fence, we are discovering with each passing season what’s actually planted there.

I know we have tulips and bluebells, but otherwise, not really sure what those other little beauties are called so if anyone knows the name, let me know in the comments; I would be ever so grateful!

Senna doesn’t seem to care. She finds a soft spot in the undergrowth and has a nap in the sunshine.

Hope your weekend has been as relaxing as Senna’s!

All images my own.

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