I came across this bizarre wallpaper at B&Q.Β  It’s by French designer Lutece Jean-Charles De Castelbajac and depicts a manga comic strip where the characters are speaking in French.

I told you it was bizarre.

They allow you to take free samples at B&Q being the rather generous folk that they are, so I took as much as I could get away, with thinking maybe I’d use it for something in the future.Β  Looking at the blank frames on my gallery wall, I figured I’d use it there.

I’m quite happy with how it fills in the missing spaces…

Here’s how it looked before…

And what it looks like now…

Subtle but I think it balances the white a bit better on the wall.

And I do like me a bit of random.

I also added a whiskey canister to the mantle and used a couple of glass door knobs just for a little refresh.

Have you used anything a bit random in your decorating lately?Β  If so, do tell in the comments so I don’t feel like such a weirdo.

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