I thought I’d share a quick rundown of some of my most recent posts over on Appliances Online at Home.

I’m having fun being able to take some proper time with writing posts and making them look as pretty as my Photoshop skills will allow – I’ve never been particularly comfortable with Photoshop but I suppose as with anything, I’m using it more and getting some practice and my skills are improving as a result so that’s at least something.

In this post, I took an absolutely stunning Christmas table featured in Lonny that cost around Β£10,000 (everything was Ralph Lauren Home – eek) and recreated it for a mere fraction of the cost with inexpensive pieces from the High Street.

Had a look at Pantone’s Colour of the Year for 2013 – Emerald Green with lots of gorgeous inspiration shots including this one…  Gah.  I die.

I also may have talked about The Chronicles of Narnia in the post, White Christmas… Yes, I am just as weird there as I am here.  Aside from my weirdness, there are some rather gorgeously icey white interiors like this one…

And lastly, I chatted a bit about Industrial Modern Chic…

This is a funny one because one of my colleagues had a bit of a design dilemma and I was able to help him out (yay!) but during my research to give him some ideas, I found so many lovely images, I decided I had to do a post on it! (double yay!)

Oh my god, I found so many gorgeous industrial style lights whilst researching this post and came across a  company called Alexander and Pearl (triple yay! ok I’m going to stop doing that now).  They have some seriously beautiful items including the fabulous Hicks Pendant!  Gah!!  I’ve never been able to find these in the UK, probably because it’s called a ‘Magnum Bronze and Brass Globe Pendant’ apparently but it looks exactly the same… stunning.  Not surprisingly, I’m also rather enamoured with that long lean antique brass pendant.  Come to mama.

So that’s what I’ve been blogging about over there and I just want to thank you for popping over and having a nosey and if you feel so inclined, saying hello!

By the way, I’m looking for guest bloggers to help me out with Recipe posts in the new year – if anyone is interested in maybe doing a bit of a guest post swap and getting a bit of a shout out there, please do drop me a line and let me know!

Oh I almost forgot, if you want to follow me on Twitter for Appliances Online at Home, it’s me tweeting, I just swear less! And if I’m not already following you, let me know and of course I will ;)

I’ll be posting my Christmas table here on Swoon Worthy soon!! Oooh I so love it!! In fact, I may have accidentally taken 47 pictures of it.  Shit.  Whittling it down to just a few for a post is going to be fun.  Stay tuned.

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