Some of the things I’ve been talking about in the ol’ work blog that I thought you might also like!

The geometrics trend seems to have evolved into something more modern and angular and I’m loving the way it’s being interpreted in interiors…

I’m also loving the new trend of watercolour and painterly designs… Gotta get me some of these gorgeous cushions…

Not just that but the lovely Carole of Mademoiselle Poirot made the most gorgeous French Tart that I really must try.Β  NOM NOM!!Β  Full recipe is on the post!

If you go over and say hello, I promise to take you shopping, brush your hair and call you pretty.Β  Click on any of the pictures to go straight to the post!


I almost forgot!! Guess what I’ll be sharing with you soooooooon???Β  ‘Member this hellhole we were calling my cellar?Β  Erm… yeah it’s been a while.Β  It looks a heck of a lot better now.Β  Come back soon and I’ll reveal all…

Happy Weekend my lovelies!

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