For a Friday, it’s always good to be a bit random. Β So here’s my random post of the week.

I figured I’d start off with a random picture of a cat in glasses to buffer any negativity.


Did it work?

Good, on to the stuff that’s not so great…

The Bad News: Β There is still one last thing I need to do on the chest of drawers before I can share them but that probably won’t happen until the weekend because I need Wayne’s assistance and he doesn’t want to do it until the weekend not that I’m blaming anyone but it’s his fault but I promise next week I’ll TOTALLY be giving you the full reveal!

The Decorating Fail: Β I wanted to share my decorating fail with you because I’m keen to show the pros and cons of decorating my your own home and I’m nothing if not honest.

I actually went out and purchased two mirrors like this from John Lewis (the bigger one in the photo):

Because I was hoping for a little bit of this action…

Alas, I tried to use these gorgeous mirrors in EVERY CONCEIVABLE CONFIGURATION and it was a big fat decorating fail. Β *sad face*. Β They are absolutely stunning in person (and heavy), they were just too small so the scale was all wrong (again) and the dark antiqued brass got a bit lost on the wall. Β And at Β£80 for the two of them, I can’t really afford to keep them just because they are so damn sweet. Β So they’re going back. Β Sometimes, ya just gotta let go, eh? Β Maybe if I find something affordable that will work in the future, I’ll do it but for now, I think I want to get a new big crazy beautiful fox glass mirror above the chest of drawers instead or maybe a big crazy beautiful oil painting. Β The search continues…

The Good News:Β Β I was featured in a couple of very cool places recently so I thought I’d let you know. Β They clearly don’t realise yet that I have no clue what I’m doing so please don’t tell them, okay?

Bathrooms.comΒ interviewed me on their blog. Β So if you want to know how I get stuff past Wayne’s discerning decorating eye *cough*, if my tastes have changed since moving to the UK or if you want to know what books I’d recommend you have in your interiors library,Β go here to have a look.


Also,Β featured my blog in their 20 Fabulous Home Decor Blogs which I thought was pretty sweet, considering the other amazing bloggers they included. Β If you want to find some new UK blogs, take a look at their list. Β I’m in really excellent company.So a big shout out to both of them for featuring little ol’ me! Β It’s much appreciated!

So do you have any good news/bad news/decorating fails you want to share? Β I’m all ears :) Happy weekend!

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