As I mentioned recently, I’m already starting to think about the final look and feel of my future guest bedroom/home office. Β When I start to get an itch to decorate a room, my brain really DOES NOT STOP with the planning stage. Β I will actually lose sleep, lying in bed knowing I NEED TO GET UP IN 4 HOURS and yet, my brain will be going, “Should I use some kind of wallpaper? I do really like that one I saw the other day… or how about that one I’ve always wanted to use? Β Yeah, but if I do that, then my colour scheme needs to change slightly… Or maybe just a splash of that fabric… oh that means that great desk chair would work perfectly… I wonder if I should splurge on a really expensive desk or get that one at Ikea I saw… I wonder how big that one was… I should get up and get the tape measure out so I can be sure it’ll fit…” OH MY GOD SHUT UP ALREADY.

While my boyfriend will shake his head in disbelief at this admission, at least you guys understand, right? Β I mean, a big blank room just FULL of possibilities! Β The mind boggles at the thought.

Because I’m really at the very beginning stages of our journey and I’m not entirely sure where we will end up, I thought it might be useful to talk through how I tackle a decorating project as it happens.

The first step, naturally, is finding your inspiration. Β For this, Β I normally start at Pinterest (and if you’re not using Pinterest yet, why the heck aren’t you? Β And if you aren’t following me already, let me just say that 3600 people CAN’T BE WRONG. Β Ahem.)

The first thing I did was check out what I’ve pinned on my Pinterest Board called Home Offices Workin’ It. If you are going to start any decorating project and you’re a little lost on where to begin, it’s a great tool to use to see what appeals to you most. Β Now, there are obviously some anomalies but what I noticed was a bit of a pattern…

Many of the pins showed a lovely little brass anglepoise lamp. Β I’m obviously attracted to these things.

Did you notice as well that how many of the offices I’ve pinned have white desks? Β Something else for the list then.

A collection of eclectic accessories is also a common theme. Β Not just a place for files or a pencil holder – we’re talking interesting vessels, bunches of flowers, beautiful trays.

Brass accessories are also pretty common. Β Well, I probably already knew that one but it’s nice to know that subconsciously, I’ve pinned images that contain these elements.

Another thing I noticed is how many of them had some kind of an inspiration board. Β While I love Pinterest, there’s something rather attractive about a physical pinboard with an array of inspirational images.

I also noticed a lot of pretty ‘practical items’ too – so lovely pencils, stylish staplers, beautiful stationary, gold paperclips. Β All these things have gone on my list.

Lastly, you may be as surprised as I am that there were few with bold wallpaper or dark walls – we’re talking a lot of white with pops of feminine colour, pretty accessories and plenty of gold and brass…. So while I do love a deep, intriguing room as you know, I’m thinking mostly white walls and a fairly neutral base with great artwork, an inspiration board and fabrics and accessories to bring in pops of colour.

Now that I have a direction in terms of style and a few of the elements I’m considering, it’s time to start the measuring up – what do I have room for? What is the best placement of furniture? Β What things do I need to have and what to I just want? And so the process begins…

Have you noticed any other patterns in my inspirational images? Β How do you go about tackling a room redesign?

Don’t miss a thing!

Image credits: Β 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

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