A couple of weekends ago when we had a flurry of nice hot weather (where it has gone now is beyond me), we decided to finally say goodbye to our little garden bench we’d rescued from the tangled mess of ivy at the back of the garden when we moved in.  It was starting to fall apart and despite lasting us for 3+ years, it was literally on it’s last legs.

I decided to order this cute white bench because we were expecting company that weekend, needed it in a hurry and we really didn’t want our guests falling through the old bench!

I potted up a few little blooms, cleaned up our bamboo chairs, hung up a hanging basket and called it done…

Well, done for NOW at least…

See how shit our deck is?  It’s small, looking a little worse for wear and is desperately in need of a clean and refresh.

So we’ve decided we’re going to be giving it a little makeover this summer.  We’ve talked about extending the deck every year for the past 3 YEARS. Yes, we move quickly around these parts *ahem*.

But it’s getting to the stage now where no matter how hard we try to dress it up, the expression “rolled in glitter” springs to mind.

Wayne has a couple of weeks off in July (lucky sod) so he’s going to spend a couple of those days making a much bigger platform that extends to the side border and out a few feet as well, making it large enough to fit some proper furniture out there.  Then it’ll be a matter of refreshing the existing boards, adding on to it with new boards, adding some panels around the perimeter (like a proper deck, rather than just a platform) and staining everything so that it looks like it was always there.

I’ve said it before but this isn’t our ‘forever’ house so while we could spend a lot of money ripping the whole thing down and starting again, just extending it is still going to cost us around Β£500 for everything including new deck panels… so yeah, working with what we’ve got here to save a few pennies for other pretties required indoors! ;)

Oh and I thought I’d share the back of the garden which is just crazy overgrown but kind of pretty at the same time as that tree is in full bloom right now and raining white petals everywhere.

So that’s our temporary refresh and the plans for July – all this while working on the guest bedroom and finishing off the bathroom!  You may call it crazy, I call it ‘multi-tasking’ ;)

Don’t miss a thing!

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