So when I first started talking about the design and my plans for the guest bedroom/office, it was 6 months ago. I think when you write about interior design for a living or even if you just absorb a ridiculous amount of content regarding interiors in your every day life, you are constantly influenced and pulled in different directions – one day something looks fresh and new and then a few months later, you see it all over Pinterest and on lots of blogs and suddenly you are tired of it, even if it hasn’t become a big ‘trend’ in the mass-consumer market kind of way. Β And then something ELSE catches your eye and THAT becomes the next new and fresh idea… AND DEAR GOD NOW I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT. And well, yeah, I think those kinds of influences came into play when I first started to think about the design for this room.

Now, it wasn’t even very long after that first mood board was published here on Swoon Worthy that it started to niggle at me. I don’t know what it was but even though I had all the colour and texture that I normally crave in a room design, it felt like it was missing something. It didn’t quite feel ME enough.Β I wanted something just a little edgier, a little sexier. A little more swoon worthy, I guess.Β But because we were nowhere near ready with the room itself, I shelved it for a while, knowing I’d be revisiting it when the time came.

Over these last few months, I’ve done a few things that have changed the course of the room. One of those things was using the rug that had originally been purchased for the office in theΒ dining room. And to be honest, I loved it so much in the dining room, that I knew I’d simply have to purchase another for the office.

My first inclination was to simply buy another that was similar but having the opportunity to totally rethink it, I started considering other options. Well,Β I decided to go a totally different direction from the graphic ‘preppy’ look of the previous version. When I stumbled upon this one in Joss & Main, I knew I’d found my rug. Β The great thing was, I had a rather decent credit on the site (Β£100) – and I was just waiting for the perfect thing to spend it on. Well,Β because of that credit, I got it for a mere Β£18! Bargain or what?!

Rug for Guest Bedroom

I also ended up with a few things that weren’t in my original design but I knew I wanted to use in the room. For instance, I got an incredible discount (40% off! OHEMGEE) on the Habitat Tessellate wall light – something I’d been eyeing for months – and so that was a really easy decision/purchase to make.

Habitat tessellate wall light

And as it’s no longer on the site (I’m so sorry, Habitat, I have no idea what you’re thinking taking this one off*), I’m pleased I snapped it up when I did. You guys – THIS LIGHT. Dear god, this light. I mean, this is what it looked like when I plugged it in STILL IN THE PACKAGING and it still in no way does it justice. I can’t even.

*Update! I heard from the lovely folks at Habitat and they said it’s offline only because they’ve sold out but more will be back in stock shortly! Whoop!Β 

Habitat Tessellate light

Speaking of lighting, I also worked with Mia Fleur and receiving that sexy black and gold desk lamp for review was another step in the totally sexy swoon worthy direction.


So slowly, the room started to evolve into something slightly different. And the more it evolves, the happier I become with it. That said, there are a few BIG items I need to purchase – the first and most important one being the desk. The desk you see in my moodboard and below is inspiration only (with aΒ Β£1250 price tag – ermmm yeah but no). I went on and on about getting a white desk but now I’m thinking black gloss with brass hardware – trΓ¨s sexy, non?

black antique desk

I’m thinking of finding something with similar substantial lines inexpensively on eBay and getting Wayne to lacquer it at work (with car spray paint – that’s what he does for a living if you haven’t been reading here long and yes, I know I’m ridiculously fortunate to have someone like that at my disposal!).

I am also thinking of something mid-century for the sideboard (again, the one in my moodboard is Β£350, far more than I am considering spending) but I want to get the desk first before considering exactly what particular style will work with this. So bear in mind, that’s still undecided.

Now some of these items are ones that are definites – and others aren’t. Only because I haven’t found them in my price range yet! Here’s where we are with the moodboard right now…

Swoon Worthy Office Moodboard

So as a recap, this is whatΒ I’ve already purchased/acquired:Β The ceiling light /Β parrot & landscape framed prints from Cozamia / South Sea wallpaper / Tessellate Wall light/ the rug /Β desk lamp /Β green Chiang Mai Dragon cushion / Caitlin Wilson fabric for the other cushions or whatever else I may need it for.

I’m currently waiting on (shipping soon) that freaking amazing hanging pod chair. I’ll talk more about this one in February when I get it!

Without the desk, I haven’t decided on the sideboard and without the sideboard, I haven’t decided on lamps yet! That amazing leopard print chair is also not 100% decided until I get the desk as well although you know me – a bit of animal print never goes amiss around these parts.

So here’s how the design has evolved:

Office Moodboard Before and After

So I guess the point of this post, aside from sharing what’s going on in my brain in terms of the design for this room is that it’s okay to change your mind. To start a moodboard that’s going in one direction and suddenly find it evolve into something slightly different. It’s all part of the process and it doesn’t mean that you are going to nail it the first time you sit down to make design decisions – especially if it’s something that will take some time. Honing your own individual style making sure the room is one you love and then sourcing all the individual components is time consuming but so very worth the effort.

So… what do you think of the new look? Do you stick rigidly to your original design and don’t waiver? Or like me, do you find your own rooms changing and morphing over time (even if only in your mind/on ‘paper’)? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



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