I know this sounds like a bizarre goal but once your home ends up in a magazine, you start getting a little greedy and wanting to be in more. I know, I know, I should just be happy with the fact it was in 25 Beautiful Homes and Red Magazine (and trust me, I am – I’m freaking AMAZED by that) but when I was asked by Kathy Hurst, the journalist I worked with on 25BH if she could have ‘first dibs’ on our bathroom remodel, I certainly wasn’t going to say ‘no’ right? Of course, at the time, it was still early days and the bathroom was still a torn up wreck at that point so the pressure was on to ensure it was ‘magazine worthy’ by the end of it.

Swoon Worthy bathroom in Your Home Magazine

Well, I’m thrilled to say that a few months’ ago, photographer Jon Parker Lee was sent to my home to take pictures of our incredibly tiny, awkward little bathroom for Your Home magazine (the UK’s 2nd best selling homes magazine after Ideal Home). Bless him, despite having a smile on his face the entire time he was here, I’m sure he had to go straight to the chiropractor as soon as he left!!

John Parker Lee for Your Home Magazine

(Update!) Here’s a couple of Jon‘s fabulous shots:

Jon Parker Lee Swoon Worthy bathroom

Copyright Jon Parker Lee


Jon Parker Lee - Swoon Worthy bathroom

Copyright Jon Parker Lee


Jon Parker Lee - Swoon Worthy bathroom

Copyright Jon Parker Lee


Jon Parker Lee - Swoon Worthy bathroom

Copyright Jon Parker Lee


Now, I think there’s a big difference between US Magazine shoots and UK magazine shoots just from what I’ve read of other US bloggers’ experience. Β In the US, they send a TEAM of people including stylists and makeup artists and they come with a bucket load of accessories to style the space and the homeownerΒ too!Β Here, it’s a bit more simple – they send a photographer and that’s about it! Β So that might explain why in the picture, my hair is all over the place and I look a bit like a man. Hmm. (I’m never happy with pictures of myself but then, who is?!). Someone to do my makeup and hair would have been nice – I think I could have used it that day! Ha!

Swoon Worthy bathroom in Your Home Magazine

Never mind, I’m thrilled with the pictures of the bathroom and he’s somehow made it look a lot bigger than it actually is! It took about 4 hours to get the whole thing shot, I answered Kathy’s questions via email and provided her with my sources and a few months later, there’s my bathroom in a magazine.

Your Home Magazine March 2015 cover

Incredibly excitedΒ and so happy my little bathroom got a chance to shine! Thank you so much Kathy for having faith in me and to Jon for being so lovely and patient with the awkward space :)

If you are in the UK, you can pick it up this month pretty much anywhere they sell magazines!

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