If there’s one thing I really feel weird/uncomfortable/awkward about, it’s asking you guysΒ to do something for me. Because as far as I’m concerned, this blog is about giving something back. I get so much encouragement and inspiration from you all already and so asking for more seems somehow selfish.

Yet…. gah. I have to do it.

Ya see, I made it to the Top 5 in the DIY category last year for the Amara Interior Blog Awards and as much as I’ve never held awards as really that big of a deal in the past, it was the first time I felt a company really understood this niche of blogging. Interior designΒ blogs are my home, they are my comfort blanket, it’s where I’ve ‘lived’ for the last 5 years and it means the world to me. Amara seems to get that and is really supportive of this amazing community and getting nominated and subsequently shortlisted to the final five places – I mean, I’m only human. It felt REALLY GOOD!!

So while the competition is even tougher than it was last year and I’m up against some of my favourite UK DIY blogs, it’s time for me to get all sappy and pathetic and ask you to please vote for me. Β I admit, I want to be at that ceremony again – I REALLY REALLY DO. And you can help me make that happen.

Vote for Swoon Worthy in the  IBA15

If you’ve everΒ foundΒ a bit of inspiration in these pages, if you’ve felt braver in decorating with colours or patterns or gold after reading a post, if you’ve ever pinned one of my projects or considered decorating your home with your own personal flair after being encouraged by my words, your vote would truly mean the world to me.


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It will only take a minute – you simply need to enter your name and email address and if you don’t want any further emails, then just uncheck that box that says ‘Get #IBA15 updates’.

You can click on either of the above images to be taken straight to the voting page or you can click here:

Vote for Swoon Worthy for Best DIY Blog

Thank you SO MUCH!! I love you guys. For reals.


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