As you know, we are a household of pet lovers. With a dog and 2 cats, you can rest assured that we worry about keeping the house relatively tidy and clean and smelling fresh and looking presentable. It’s not easy with animals in the house and one of the worst culprits is the fact that there are always indications of pets being around. Dog toys scattered on the floor, cat hair on the bed, dog chews hiding beneath the furniture and of course, the subject of my post today: Ugly pet beds. Although today, we’re talking about pet beds that are actually very cute. Ones you probably won’t mind leaving outΒ even when you have company.

Looking for a luxury or cute pet bed for your pampered pooch or cute kitty? Here are 18 of my favourites that won't look out of place in a stylish home

Now, Meisha (seen slumbering above) has been fully catered for in terms of the ‘pet bed’ department. Do I tend to spoil her? Erm. Yeah, I probably do. However, she decided to adopt what I call ‘the poshest cat bed’ in our bedroom although truth be told, she goes through phases with it where she’ll be in it all the time (normally winter when it’s warm due to the proximity with the radiator). In the warmer months, she’s normally on our bed! Pablo doesn’t really venture upstairs much (it’s Meisha’s domain) but I’m happy enough that at least Meisha’s bed is pretty.

My round-up of cute pet beds that you won't might leaving out in your home

On the other hand, when Quito was a puppy, we bought him a dog bed but now it’s getting a bit old and tired and it really needs to be replaced. Part of the reason for this is because Pablo (our other cat) has decided Quito’s dog bed is HIS and he is normally the one curled up in it. Quito, understanding where he ranks in the pack (pretty far down to be clear), knows he’s not allowed to move Pablo when he’s sleeping. Either way, it’s looking tired and old and whether the dog is sleeping on it or the cat, it’s not all that pretty to look at.

Quito on sofa

It’s okay, mum, I’ll just sleep here! No, no you won’t.

So I’ve been looking around for cute pet beds that won’t look too out of place in our home. Quito could be considered a large small dog… or a small medium dog (yes, that’s confusing – he’s a small breed but oversized for a Sheltie) so I don’t need anything too big and I have no doubt that Pablo will be using it as well. So whether it’s called a cat bed, a dog bed or just a neutral termed pet bed, I just want it to look cute enough to have out and not be embarrassed as I am currently by the ugly worn bed we have in the corner of our dining room.

Stephanie Sterjovski puppy bed

I was recently checking out Stephanie Sterjovski’sΒ blog and came across her absolutely gorgeous new little Jack Russell puppy Lucy, seen above and below. It made me realise I really need to get my act together with some cute pet bedding! How gorgeous is she?! And how cute is that little pet teepee and fluffy dog bed? OMG.

Stephanie Sterjovski cute pet bed

So I thought today, I’d share a few of my findings with you! They range in price from really quite reasonable to crazy expensive so you should find something here to suit every budget really. I’ve linked to the ones Stephanie has above but if you are looking for a cute teepee design, this one from Cupcake Pug is Β£75.00 and comes in a black and white stripe with a pink frame and a matching matt. Very cute.

pink and stripe teepee - cute pet bed

Wicker Pet Bed

I’m veering towards something in a wicker basket design, thinking at least if it’s out, it’ll add some natural texture to my home whilst providing a cosy bed for the furry kids. I love these ones from Das Apartment Living, a German website I came across which do ship European-wide. I love that the cat beds have little ears and whiskers!Β The medium cat bed is €49.95 and the larger bone-shaped dog bed is €189.00.

cute pet beds from das apartment living

Want to get really posh? This stunning Oval Rattan Dog Bed by Charley Chau is a whopping Β£310.00 but it’s practically a piece of furniture in its own right. I can’t say I’d spend that much on something for my dog but if you are so inclined, it really is quite a beauty.

Oval Rattan pet Bed by Charley Chau

If you prefer a paler hue, this beautiful white wicker pet bed has a stunning stonewashed grey canvas cushion. It’s similar in price at Β£308 from Amara.

white wicker cute pet bed

I also loved the contemporary lines of this luxury cat sofa from Lord Lou, priced at Β£157. The stonewashed cushion and raised design is perfect for your pampered pet and would blend right in if you like your interiors a bit dark and moody.

Morris stonewashed black pet bed

If you’re not yet ready to spend that kind of cash on your pooch or kitty, then Wayfair has a large selection of wicker pet beds. This was my favourite design of the bunch and it’s just Β£63.99. Not chump change, mind you, but it certainly wouldn’t look out of place in a stylish home.

wayfair pet bed basket

Soft and Upholstered Pet Bed

If you are looking for a fabric bed, this was my favourite by Charley Chau which starts at Β£135 for a small bed. I adore the teal velour but it also comes in a soft khaki colour as well.


If you are looking for a softer design, this fluffy grey doughnut style pet bed from Chelsea Cats is only Β£27.99 – bargain! And it looks really cute too.

Danish Design Fluffies Cushion cute Pet Bed

If you want a simple pad that you can move around, you can’t go far wrong with this deeply comfy denim-style from Kind For Dogs with prices that start at €123.00 for a small size.

Kind_for_dogs_ denim pet bed

Charley Chau also has a really lovely fully upholstered bed in a lovely weave design which starts at Β£120. They have an amazing selection on that website, by the way (no this isn’t sponsored) and I’m rather in love with their gorgeous little model. Such a cutie.


Luxury Pet Bed

Looking for something that will get tongues (and tails) wagging? Check out this stunning pink French-style bed with a hand-carved wood frame from The French Bedroom Company priced at Β£355. I mean, even my bed isn’t this fancy but it sure is pretty!

cute pet bed from The French Bedroom Company

A little less fussy but no less gorgeous is this Antoinette Fusilli Dark Blue Pet Bed from Amara priced at Β£291 – fitting for a little furry King or Queen!

Antoinette Fusilli Dark Blue cute pet bed

Priced at Β£345, if you fancy something a little sleeker and more contemporary, check out this stunning solid oak and walnut dog bed from Kofa Furniture on Etsy.

luxury oak and walnut dog bed

Love industrial style design? You’re going to love this Stonewashed Green Canvas wheeled bed from Lord Lou. It’s Β£429 (ouch) and you can lock the wheels in position so “your pet doesn’t do any unexpected travelling” as it reassures us on the website – ha!

Stonewashed green canvas industrial style cute pet bed

And finally, if you want to totally blow the budget, then the Letto Dog Day Bed by Miacara is a whopping Β£779.00 from StyleTails but well, it IS sexy as hell. And I thought I spoiled my pets. (I can’t help but think it doesn’t look all that cosy though!)

Letto cute pet bed

So after my little search, I’m still not 100% sure which one I’ll go for! I certainly won’t be spending Β£300+ on one. However, my Β£40 one bought at the spur-of-the-moment is looking really rough after just over a year so I might have to invest in something a little more robust. Which is your favourite?

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