It’s been quite interesting decorating my home for Christmas this year. It’s our first Christmas in this house and while I knew I had plenty of Christmas decor stashed in our loft space for when the time came, I didn’t really know how that decor would be used in a completely different context. Everything I’d purchased was for our previous home so I resisted buying much more this year because I kind of wanted to see where everything would be used and if there were any ‘gaps’ in my decor that needed sorting out once everything I already had was up.

Christmas mantle decor detail

As it turned out, I’m fairly happy with the final result. Perhaps I could use a few extra strings of fairy lights and the odd piece here or there but the simple act of using old things in a new context makes it all feel a bit new again which is always a good way to shake up your decor, whether it’s at Christmas time or any other.

Pink gold and white flocked Christmas tree decorated in plum room

Christmas tree detail in pink and gold

Christmas tree detail in pink and gold

The most exciting thing for me is that we actually have plenty of space for the Christmas tree this year. In our old house, I would have to move furniture (and the fiddle leaf fig) out of the room completely to make enough space for the tree.

Pink gold and white flocked Christmas tree decorated in plum room

Our current living room is bigger than our last and so I didn’t actually need to clear a spot for the tree which was nice.

Christmas living room in dark purple and gold

I did, however, decide to do a little re-shuffle of the furniture anyway but that’s more because the fiddle leaf fig is now so big that it really no longer fit the corner of the room near the door that I’d originally placed it. The branches have become so long and so unwieldy (even after giving it a major chop earlier in the Spring!) that you felt like you were being attacked every time you opened the door! So the tree has been moved next to the sofa and the white vintage cabinet is now in the corner next to the door.

I also moved the bar cart from the alcove near the TV to the same wall as the Fiddle Leaf Fig. With the festive season upon us, it made more sense to put it in a spot that was a bit more accessible.Β I’ll be chatting more about styling the bar cart for Christmas in a later post so stay tuned for that.

Christmas living room in dark plum and gold

On top of the vintage cabinet (I always get so many questions on this particular piece – it’s vintage from eBay and I painted it white and added the mirrors), I decided to just set up my little white ceramic houses. They look incredibly cute at night all lit up.

vintage cabinet decorated for Christmas

I also love that the mirrors reflect the Christmas tree (and also, as I just realised, my fluffy pink slippers.)

Christmas coffee table styling

As you can see, Pablo refused to give up his spot whilst I took pictures in here and I just didn’t have the heart to move him! Well, he’s 15 now. I think if he fancies hunkering down on the corner of the sofa, he’s earned that right by now! ;) The coffee table got a bit of a swap around too. I just fancied a bit of a change there (and my pink peonies felt a bit too summery) so I swapped them for simple white and green hydrangea in a gold vase and added a small vase of holly from the garden for a festive touch.

Christmas coffee table styling detail with holly

With so much going on in the room, a couple of candles in gold and a stack of books and a tray felt simple enough for this spot.

Christmas living room decor in deep plum, pink and gold

On the sofas, I added a couple of gold sequinned cushions I picked up from Kaleidoscope (gifted as part of my collaboration with them). I figured if you can’t add some bling to your sofas at this time of year, when can you? I also added a Mongolian fur cushion in pink (from MADE, also gifted earlier this year) and a deep burgundy velvet cushion I’ve had for a few years. Even though they are all solid colours, I love that contrast in texture.

Christmas living room fireplace decor

For the fireplace, my sequinned gold and white velvet stockings came back out as did my garland. These are all bits I already had in my stash and I kept the mantle itself fairly simple. Well, simple for me, anyway.

Christmas fireplace styling detail

Initially, I’d had a lot more bits and pieces on top and then decided there was just too much going on so I scaled it all back a bit. A couple of simple white LED trees and a few little bowls that I put tea lights in at night. I’m still not 100% happy with this spot but it may just be because the fireplace really needs some help! Updating it will happen in the new year when we finally start the remodelling work in this room so I have no doubt that by next Christmas, it’ll be looking remarkably different.

Christmas shelf styling

The shelving got a few Christmassy touches too – reindeers, various trees and candles mostly.

Christmas tree detail in pink gold

And so that’s my Christmas decor this year! The lesson here is that you probably don’t need to run out and purchase lots of new Christmas decor every year. Just about everything I’ve shared today were items I already had from years’ past but simply changing the context of where they were used makes them feel a bit like they are new again. After Christmas passes, I may pick up a couple of strings of fairy lights for next year but there’s simply no need to feel you have to buy new things every year.Β Have you started your Christmas decorating yet? Do you tend to use the same bits each year? I’d love to know what you think of mine this year too. Let me know in the comments!


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