The following is a paid advertising feature for Kleenexยฎ.

Every year some amazing things come around like clockwork – Christmas, New Year and my birthday being some of my personal favourites. Theyโ€™re moments to celebrate, to see loved ones and catch up with old friends. One thing that crops up every year, though, and can perhaps be seen as slightly more unwelcome โ€“ cold and flu season! In my experience, there comes a point every winter when my body tells me itโ€™s time to recharge, but thatโ€™s not to say I want to stop doing everything I love doing.

10 Bounce Back from a Cold Must Haves

When I do feel a bit under the weather, I find itโ€™s the time when my home comforts really come into their own and help me to keep going by making everything that little bit more comfortable โ€“ meaning that I can get on and enjoy my day as much as possible.

10 Must Have Home Comforts When Your Sick

With that in mind, here are my top 10 home comforts for when you need that extra bit of TLC.

Fresh Natural-Fibre Bedding

Home Comforts When You're Ill: Fresh Sheets

Is there anything quite as wonderful as getting into a bed with freshly changed linens? I think not. If youโ€™re working from your bed and are needing to get things ticked off, consider putting some fresh sheets on the bed (or get a loved one to do it for you) and bask in the comforts of clean linens. This will get you in the zone to power through and not let your cold get the best of you. If thatโ€™s something you simply canโ€™t bear to even face, then perhaps just change your pillowcase โ€“ itโ€™ll be the least you can do if youโ€™re going to be looking at spending some quality time in your bed.

Home Comforts When You're Home Sick: Fresh Sheets

My personal favourite (and Wayneโ€™s too) is linen bedding. There is just something rather exceptional about linen bedding. Plus, the natural fibres (rather than synthetic) will help regulate your body temperature, keeping you warm when you need it but allowing your bedding to breathe when you get too warm.

Feather-Down Pillows and a Cosy Throw

Sick Day Home Comforts: Cosy Throw

Something else for that lovely snuggly feeling is having some extra-cosy throws and blankets at the ready. If you are feeling chilly, then those extra layers really will feel like a comforting hug.

10 Must Have Home Comforts When Your Sick: Cosy Bedding

Another favourite is feather and down pillows which will plump up nicely and support your head and neck whilst providing breathable comfort.


Sick Day Home Comforts: Kleenex Tissues

If Iโ€™ve got a cold, there is genuinely no other thing I reach for except Kleenexยฎ and I nearly always have the single pocket packs in my bag just in case for when Iโ€™m out and about. No one wants to use a scratchy, thin tissue and Iโ€™ve used Kleenexยฎ for as long as I can remember when I have a runny nose.

The Balsam range is my go-to because when you are constantly rubbing a sore nose, the added protective balm means itโ€™s gentle so you donโ€™t end up with a red, raw nose. One good tip I learned a while ago? Keep your empty tissue boxes to hand to put your used tissues into when you have a cold!

Water at the Ready

Sick Day Home Comforts: Carafe of Water

When you wake up in the night, then a carafe filled with fresh water on the bedside table is an absolute must. Water is always good for us but is super important to keep continually hydrated when youโ€™re under the weather. A carafe will mean you arenโ€™t constantly making trips back and forth every time you need a refill.

A Pot of Tea

Sick Day Home Comforts: Tea Pot

I admit, itโ€™s rare for me to get out the teapot when Iโ€™m making myself a cuppa but when Iโ€™m not feeling my best, it means I have a fresh hot pot just waiting for me when I need something to warm me up without having to make single cups. I swear by lemon and ginger when Iโ€™m feeling under the weather and green tea is another favourite. 

Hot Water Bottle

Sick Day Home Comforts: Hot Water Bottle

There is so much joy and comfort in a hot water bottle and I use the one you see above pretty much all winter long. When Iโ€™m under the weather, however, the hot water bottle is pretty much as attached to me as any one of my limbs and the cosy soft cover provides additional comfort. That radiating heat feels so nice and the warmth lasts for hours. I just couldnโ€™t be without mine!

Essential Viewing and Reading Materials

Sick Day Home Comforts: Tablet and Magazines

If youโ€™re feeling a bit restless, then thereโ€™s nothing quite like a tablet or laptop for a good Netflix binge. I tend to watch easy-going feel-good films and TV series to lift my spirits a bit โ€“ the cheesier the better. And of course, an essential stack of magazines is always a welcome addition โ€“ nothing too heavy, just something I can dip in and out of. Thereโ€™s something quite indulgent about being able to catch up on my TV and reading, even when Iโ€™m not feeling my best.

Furry Friends

Sick Day Home Comforts: Your Pets

Isnโ€™t it funny that your pets always seem to know when youโ€™re feeling a bit rubbish? Whether we anthropomorphize our pets or not, my animals are almost always a source of comfort when Iโ€™m not feeling my best. Better than a hot water bottle even, a bit of a cuddle with your favourite furry pal is so nice and itโ€™s been scientifically proven that they calm and relax us, lowering our stress levels and increasing our immunity. 

Staying Prepared

10 Must Have Home Comforts When Your Sick

We never really know when weโ€™re going to get hit with a cold or flu bug, so I have a little plastic box in our cupboards which contains a โ€˜remedy packโ€™ with all the essentials like vitamins and thermometers. I go through it every few months to throw out anything thatโ€™s out of date and replenish supplies. Honestly, take the time to have a few things on hand just in case – your future self will thank you!

Another consideration is to batch cook and freeze meals ahead of time. While freshly-made chicken soup and dry crackers are something I often crave when Iโ€™m not feeling my best (a throwback to my childhood), these items arenโ€™t always at the ready when you need them the most. So simply having some foods that just need re-heating from the freezer is a great way to be prepared. 

So those are my must-have home comfort necessities when Iโ€™m feeling sick. Iโ€™d love to know what you have in your home that you reach for when youโ€™re feeling under the weather! Let me know in the comments.

Disclaimer: This is a paid promotion by Kleenexยฎ, but as always, I only work with brands I really like and think youโ€™ll like too. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Swoon Worthy.


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