While not entirely over my illness, I’ve definitely got more energy than I did before.Β  So on Friday, while hobbling around as best I could, I started to give thought to our impending bathroom remodel.Β  I posted my inspiration in this post where I talked about a few different ‘looks’ that I liked – black, white and gold as well as the inclusion of pretty decorative tiles were paramount.

The tiles were my first port of call and trying to find the right combination of tiles that wouldn’t absolutely blow the socks off my budget was a task and a half.Β  While there are a million and one tiles available on the UK market, the ones within my budget were all rather boring and bland or incredibly contemporary – looks I wasn’t really going for.Β  The ones I really liked were like Β£47 PER TILE.Β  Erm, while I share a first name with a Kardashian, I don’t share a bank account with her so that wasn’t going to happen either.

Full disclosure: I actually designed an entire bathroom around a single tile that I kind of liked and when I got to the end of it, realised that it was nothing like my ‘dream bathroom.’Β  I sighed and scrapped the whole thing.

Finally, pulling on my big girl knickers, I checked out Fired Earth.Β  They have an amazing selection and some incredibly beautiful designs but I had assumed they would be far too expensive for my little bathroom.Β  However, I noticed they had a sale on, so I took a few trepidatious steps into their site.Β  While a lot of the things that took my breath away were far above my price bracket, I was pleasantly surprised to find a few styles that didn’t break the bank,Β  worked well together as a set and most importantly, gave me the look I was after.

The design started to come together slowly and then sort of snowballed and finally all came together this weekend.Β  And I couldn’t be more excited so figured I’d share my plans with you.

As an aside, I’m really privileged to be working with two fantastic companies on this project (and no Fired Earth is not one of them) so I’ll be introducing you to them soon because they are helping to make this little bathroom remodel happen on a shoestring budget.Β  We’ll still be doing all the work on this one of course but sourcing products online from companies that you can trust is always a little scary so perhaps my introductions can help you if you’re considering your own bathroom remodel.

Anyway, on to the design reveal… I hope you like it.

You may be pretty surprised I have kept to a neutral palette of black, white and grey on this design.Β  The reasons for this are three-fold:

  • First, I quite like the idea of a bathroom being a quiet sanctuary and a place to relax.
  • Second, I do actually love neutrals (no really!) as long as there is a lot of interest created in texture and pattern.
  • Lastly, and this is purely practical – I’m aware we will not be here forever and in terms of resale value, more permanent elements like bathrooms and kitchens are probably best kept fairly neutral (I don’t feel this way about non-permanent things like paint or even wallpaper as they are not that difficult to change – tiles on the other hand are a different matter).

You’ll noticed that my “signature” eclecticism is still there – mixing Victorian tiles with Moroccan elements and a dash of contemporary as well?Β  That’s not a combination you’ll probably see too often.Β  And of course, there’s got to be an element of brass/gold as well, right?Β  I mean, it wouldn’t be my bathroom without that ;)Β  The tiles are also more in keeping with the age of the house – the mirror and pendant can be changed out without much hassle at all if I want to try a different look in the future.

So there’s the design.Β  Whether I stick with this 100% or I veer a little off the beaten track remains to be seen.Β  What I do know is that the bathroom remodel is happening pretty soon and as we only have one bathroom in the house, it’s gonna have to be done lightning quick!Β  Ooooh I can’t wait to get started!

Are you as excited as I am?Β  Ok, probably not.Β  But ready to come with me on the ride?

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