First off, I just wanted to say a very very big thank you for all the kind words on my home being featured in Heart Home magazine.Β  I received lots of lovely comments, tweets, emails and Facebook messages with so much lovely support, my heart was all swollen and happy with love.Β  So big smoochie kisses to you all.Β  Seriously, it means so much to me, words can not express! :)Β  If you missed the feature, you can see it here.

Finally, all my Christmas decorations are up and the house is twinkling with fairy lights.Β  I watched Elf last night for the millionth time, I had Christmas music and videos going on all day and received a gift of mulled wine from a friend for whom I hemmed up some curtains as a thank you.Β  It’s making me feel all Christmassy and I love it!Β  W loves Christmas and it’s so nice to be with someone who embraces the holiday and it’s spirit as much as I do (I’ve had ex’s in the past who couldn’t care less about the season, that wasn’t much fun).

Unfortunately, I can’t share my house just yet as I finished up after the sun was already starting to go down.Β  I’ve been messing with my camera on Manual mode (go me) to take pics of the tree all lit up but I’ve somehow misplaced my tripod (booo me) and so my pictures aren’t coming out great from too much movement.Β  Sigh.Β  I need to find it.

In the meantime, I’ve been obsessing about my Christmas tablescape.Β  I never really paid too much attention to my table in times past aside from a few candles and things but I wanted something special last year and I really loved how it came out.

Last year’s Christmas tablescape

This year, I want to use my gold cutlery again along with a few new bits.Β  I am currently waiting for this tablecloth to be delivered from Zara Home (they have so much good stuff, it was so hard to decide what to get).

Along with the gold bubble plates I ordered and my sparkly chargers, it’s gonna be gold-a-rama round these parts.Β  But that’s no real surprise is it?

I have yet to decide the table centre, however, so I’ve been seeking inspiration via Pinterest and I’ve seen some really gorgeous tables so I figured I’d share them with you!

First up… I love how simple this is.Β  With Christmas tables, you want people to be able to see one another over your centrepieces so something lovely and low works best.Β  The burst of red is stunning, no?


Of course, as lovely as all that silver is, I’m in love with gold on a table and this combination of gold and grey is just gorgeous.Β  Using a garland as a centrepiece is a nice idea as well.Β  Low and lovely baby.Β  Pretty twinkling tealights are of course, a requirement on any pretty tablescape.


Some more gold inspiration, this time with white as a backdrop.Β  Perfect.


I featured this gorgeous Scandi table on Appliances Online at Home (the work blog) and showed how to achieve the look.Β  It’s so simple and beautiful and I’m in love with the little white stags.

via Appliances Online at Home

A little greenery goes a long way.Β  I love the modern simplicity of this one.


Or ya know, a lot of green.Β  How gorgeous are the bay trees?Β  Of course, they break my rule of nothing too high.Β  Still, when it’s this pretty, I might not mind.Β  (On second thought, are they bay trees?Β  I’m not sure to be fair.Β  Bay trees have bigger leaves.Β  Hmm. They are lovely though, whatever they are.)Β  Rustic can be oh so right for Christmas.


A little more glamour required for me, however.Β  This seems to marry both perfectly.Β  The gold dipped glasses are stunning and add a perfect classy touch. Β TheΒ succulentsΒ and grasses are naturally beautiful.


Do you like to go all out on your Christmas table?Β  Any ideas of what to use for a pretty centrepiece?Β  Any favourites amongst the ones I’ve shown?Β  Sharing is caring.Β  The comment box awaits.

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