On Saturday, we had yet ANOTHER television delivered.Β  I think that makes 4 televisions now in our house which seems excessive when I think about it but this is what happens when you live with a guy who loves his technology.

See, the flat screen television that was in the dining room has been moved to the ‘man cave’ and in it’s place we have installed a SUPER flat screen television.Β  This one only sits off the wall about 7cm (that’s less than 3″ in old money) whereas our old one, with the bracket, sat off the wall around 15cm (6″).Β  It doesn’t sound like it should have made much difference but it really has and I couldn’t be happier.Β  Plus, the ‘frame’ is so much thinner that we’ve actually upgraded to a larger screen size without actually getting a bigger television – I know that sounds like some crazy Houdini shit but honestly, it’s brilliant – bigger picture, smaller frame and it doesn’t take up any more room on the wall.Β  Happy Days.

Well, once the television was in place, I decided the entire gallery wall needed a bit of a re-jig.Β  It took me ALL Saturday afternoon to move everything around but I’m really happy with the way the wall is looking and I’m going to be sharing that with you very soon, especially as there’s a couple new additions.Β  More on that later.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share with you some of the gorgeous gallery walls that I’ve been collecting in my pinterest folder called Gallery Walls.Β  Nice to see you, Captain Obvious, make yourself at home.

Here’s the first one and I will say that I’m totally in love.Β  It’s eclectic although there seems to be a loose floral theme and the black grounds the entire scheme against that amazing wood panelling.Β  Also, I seriously digging on those pink dining chairs. Come to mama.


This next one is a bit more subdued although equally classy.Β  Black frames and sketches dominate the scheme but a few leaning against the wall on the floor give it a relaxed look.Β  The neutral colour scheme is both chilled and chic, providing subtle impact across the whole length of the dining table.


Here’s a space that many will recognise and was the room featured on the cover of the interior blogger’s favourite,Β  Decorate by Holly Becker.Β  And for good reason because it’s a gorgeous example of vintage mixed with modern.


I love the soft turquoise colour on the wall behind this beautiful gallery wall.Β  It’s so feminine and light with pinks and gold predominating.Β  Made By Girl’s ‘Love’ poster has made an appearance here and it looks fab with the more vintage style paintings.


Here’s another with a gorgeous minty wall as a backdrop.Β  I love the pops of orange which pulls the randomness of the collection together.Β  The spacing on this one is also a bit more random which gives the whole thing a more casual look.


Perhaps because my own gallery wall is against dark grey walls, I’m a bit partial to deep, moody hues acting as a backdrop, making the prints really pop.Β  I also love how this one goes all the way to the ceiling too.Β  It doesn’t appear to follow any theme and yet, still seems to work as a collection.


As for this last one, give me a gorgeous lacquer wall in deep blue and I’m all over it like a bad rash.Β  I want to lick these walls, that’s how sexy this room is.Β  Oh yes.


As a final thought after all this inspiration… I feel one the nicest thing about gallery walls is that no two will ever be the same.Β  So despite seeing gallery walls everywhere, each one reflects the tastes of it’s owners and each tells its own story.Β  However, putting together a gallery wall is no mean feat so I’m going to talk about the process a little more in my next post.

Have you got a favourite of the ones shown today?Β  Looking to create your own and want to see even more inspiration?Β  Then hop on over to my pinterest board here.

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