I bought a really awesome bar cart recently.Β  Now, I’ve been wanting one for ages and I’ve been scouring eBay and one fateful day, I saw my ugly duckling.

Well, actually, it was a swan.Β  Just not quite the swan I imagined.

This particular swan, well, it had siblings.Β  Ok, yeah, this particular metaphor isn’t really working so let’s just talk about the fact that it’s very GOLD.Β Β  Not the good gold – the really shiny brassy style gold.

Lots and lots of bright shiny gold.

And the legs and the handle of the cart are like a marble-effect green.

“Hello?Β  1992?Β  Yes, we found your drinks trolley.Β  Mm-hmm.Β  It’s in Red’s Dining Room.”

Oooh but look how pretty my new gold-banded glasses are!Β  My Christmas table is going to look LUSH (in my head only so far but one has to have aspirations in this life).

So, my dear readers.Β  I need some help here.Β  I do really genuinely love this ugly thing.Β  I know deep down in my soul this thing has potential.

But what should I do with it?Β  Is there a way I could perhaps antique the brass (if so, how? I’ve heard good things about Rub N’ Buff but would it work here?).Β  What should I do with the horrible faux-marble handles?Β  I am thinking spray paint but what colour?Β  Or do you think I should just spray the handles and maybe the gold will look better as a result?

Or should I just douse the entire thing in primer and paint it a glossy colour and forget the whole gold fiasco?

I beseech you, my lovely readers… I need your wonderful eye and creativity.Β  What would you do with this ugly duckling?

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