Yay! It’s #colorshare time again. I love these posts because I get to show off all the colourful stuff happening in your lives. It’s so inspiring and just makes you feel good ya know? We’ve long known the psychological effects that colour has on our mood and I truly believe that living a life without colour is just a little bit sad. I can admire a textural natural room and I can admire a stark monochrome interior but it’s just something I could never live with. I would be depressed instantly. I need colour and I crave it in my life. And so of course, I adore these posts.

Colorshare Instagram Apr 2016

Speaking of the joy of colour, can I just take a minute to share with you that amazing bouquet of flowers above? Here’s a better shot of it. Can you believe they are FAKE?

Abigail Ahern faux flowers

You might recall me telling you one of my Instagram pictures was chosen by Abigail Ahern in her own colourful hashtag #abigailaherncolour recently and I won a gift card to her store. Thrilled was not the word. It took me like 3.2 seconds to choose these beauties from her amazing faux collection. If you checked out yesterday’s post, I gave some tips on makingΒ inexpensive faux plants look a bit more posh but I do think that if you have a few really beautiful high-end fauxs and real plants in the mix when you display them, they just elevate everything else. And these certainly do that. I was so impressed with the quality and I just wanted to share them! I am already eager to get more. NO WATERING, NO WILTING. I mean, you can’t ask for better than that, right?

Anyway, ifΒ you aren’t familiar with #colorshare, then let me explain. Every month, my trans-Atlantic style sister, Shannon of Burlap and Lace and IΒ have the very difficult task of choosing our favourite Instagram images that have used the hashtag and share them with you on our blogs! It’s our little way of banishing the beige and bringing a little more colour into our lives and getting you guys involved to help us do the same! So if you love colour as well, then please do use the hashtag for your chance to be featured! We’ve had nearly 1500 people using the hashtag already and you have no idea how excited that makes me!

There have been some amazing ones this month so without delay, here are just a few of the ones that I adored…

Stephanie’s fabulous Cozomia parrot print caught my eye of course – it’s the same one I have in my office! I adore how she’s paired it with the mostΒ joyous brights here! Yay for Spring!!

Jen’s fabulous Moroccan-style vase also caught my eye – that colour and pattern!! Gorgeous.

What colours are you adding into your home at the minute? I’m all about blue!

A photo posted by Jen Stanbrook (@lovechicliving) on

Emily’s photo of her crazy good wallpaper was too good to resist. Bold and brave because well, life is too short for beige, right?!

MeganΒ shows us how even the simplest things like a kitchen islandΒ get so much more gorgeous with a punch of colour! So pretty!

Could Domicile37’s sofa be any sexier? I think not.

And finally, can we all just take a moment and look at Brynne’s bed. LOOK AT IT. It’s vintage and it makes me want to weep it’s so beautiful but against those blush pink walls? I die.

(sigh) All that gorgeous colour from everyone. I could just eat it up.

So those are just a few of my favourites! Check out the hashtag for all the images and all the fabulous IGers taking part – and don’t forget to click on those little hearts, follow them and show them some love!

Be sure to check out Shannon’s post todayΒ to see her favourites as well and make sure you use the hashtag #colorshare on your Instagram posts for a chance to be featured in next month’s roundup!

And I’d love it if you could followΒ both Shannon and my InstagramΒ to be inspired by all the fabulous colour in our worlds too!

Are you inspired to use more colour in your home? Which is your favourite?


*Using the hashtag implies you are happy for us to use your images in our posts – fully credited and linked of course to your account! And of course, your IG account needs to be public so we can see your gorgeous images!

Catch up on previous #colorshare posts here!

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