Just a quick thank you…

Just a quick thank you…

The Amara Interior Blog Awards were on Wednesday and while I had so many well-wishers, alas, I didn’t win! However, I did have a rather grand time! The competition within the DIY & Craft category was, of course, fierce and while my lovely friend Katy from...
Best of Interior Blogs Book Giveaway!!

Best of Interior Blogs Book Giveaway!!

**THIS GIVEAWAYΒ IS NOW CLOSED** Thank you for ALL your fabulous comments – I was blown away by how eloquent and thoughtful you all were and it made my heart go all fuzzy and happy :) Alas, we could only have three winners and so here are the three winning...
Holiday Prep: The Week That Was…

Holiday Prep: The Week That Was…

It seems as soon as October hits, things notch up a gear in the prep for the holidays. I know it may seem odd to be planning for Christmas so far in advance but as an interior design blogger, people start looking for inspiration for their projects as soon as the cold...
A Mini “Re-Brand”

A Mini “Re-Brand”

Happy Friday! If you are currently viewing Swoon Worthy on a laptop, you may have noticed that things look a little bit different around here. It was niggling at me that the main photo I was using for the blog didn’t feel quite rightΒ any more. It was an overhead...

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