Jul 25, 2013 | Design Work, Life |
So I as teased in a few posts, I’ve been involved in a little ‘design’ work on the side for a charity called The Albert Kennedy Trust.I first read about the project back in late February on Andrew Dunning’s blog where he talked about his...
Jul 23, 2013 | Design Work, Life |
I mentioned recently that I’d been working closely with a charity on a project that I’ll be sharing with you soon! It meant helping them out with sourcing lots of stuff for a house in Manchester with the teeniest tiniest budget you ever did see.Hey,...
Sep 20, 2011 | Design Work |
Now, as y’all know, I’m not an interior designer nor do I pretend to be. But when a friend asked for some help in the design of her living room, I agreed to give her some ideas.Natasha lives in a Victorian home that her handy hubby has tirelessly...