Take Me Away:  Bellinter House, County Meath Ireland

Take Me Away: Bellinter House, County Meath Ireland

I have lived in England for just over 10 years now.Β  Our (I think I’ve earned the right to claim it as my own if only in my heart) fair isle – where everything is on your doorstep in terms of the rest of Europe, never mind the rest of what’s on the...
Take Me Away:  Corinthian Club, Glasgow

Take Me Away: Corinthian Club, Glasgow

I went to Glasgow last year for the first time.Β  It was the day after we’d moved everything out of W’s house and into storage and moved our necessities to W’s mum’s house for 6 weeks whilst we waited to close on our house.Β  Needless to say,...
Take Me Away:  Brody House, Budapest

Take Me Away: Brody House, Budapest

I was in Budapest, Hungary way back in 2001.Β  The city is a charming eclectic mix of beautiful buildings and I enjoyed exploring both banks of the River Danube.Β  My friend and I stayed at a crummy little hostel which was perfectly serviceable but now I’m...
Take Me Away:  London Calling

Take Me Away: London Calling

Can I just start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who commented on my guest bedroom post.Β  You are all way too kind, especially as the room is no where near done.Β  It’s given me incentive to continue to get it truly swoon worthy someday.Β  I’m so...

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