Going Bespoke: Marble & Brass Dining Room Table

Going Bespoke: Marble & Brass Dining Room Table

Do you remember my blog post about things I think are a worthwhile investment in your home? One of those things was a dining room table and/or chairs. The way I see it, the table takes up a heck of a lot of the visual space in a dining room and so you might as well...
Spring Updates in the Dining Room

Spring Updates in the Dining Room

So I mentioned that I’d swapped a few things around in the dining room when I shared a few updates in the living room last month. The biggest one: deciding on a whim to swap the rugs between the two rooms. I’d meant to show you the result of that swap soon...
UK Home Blog Hop: My Christmas Dining Room

UK Home Blog Hop: My Christmas Dining Room

Well it’s December and so I’m officially allowed to talk about Christmas! Yes the C word is finally allowed and while it seems to come earlier and earlier every single year, I’m actually a little later than usual to share my Christmas decor. Β Today,...

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