Getting the Garden Summer Ready!

Getting the Garden Summer Ready!

So we’ve had some amazing weather the last couple of weeks and with that, I’ve been able to do a little refreshing in our garden which was sadly neglected all winter and really needed a bit of TLC! I thought today, I’ll share a little bit of the...
Garden Refresh: Boho Glam Garden Reveal!

Garden Refresh: Boho Glam Garden Reveal!

I know, I know, I’m doing a ‘garden reveal’ in September. Just picture the emoji with wide eyes because that’s the look I’d be giving too. The truth is, the garden took way longer to sort out than I actually ever thought it would and...
Front of House: The Front Patio Reveal!!

Front of House: The Front Patio Reveal!!

So finally after months and months of this project, I can show you the finished Victorian floor tiles and my gorgeous new look patio. Now, I know you’ll be chomping at the bit to scroll down but I would be remiss if I didn’t first mention that this project...

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